Loerm ipsum
A Compresses bag that helps relieve pain, reduce fatigue, and reduce body temperature
32.500 KD
An easy-to-use device that cleans and treats nasal cavities to improve breathing
A device that measures oxygen saturation and pulse rate for respiratory function management
Easy and safe device to provide you with warmth, pain relief and relaxation
Easy and safe device to provide you warmth, pain relief and relaxation
A device that improves air breathing in children with respiratory diseases such as asthma
High precision blood pressure and heart rate monitor device
Saxenda + Microfine BD Needle 4mm + Alcohol Pad Z150 100'S + Hartmann Veroval Scale LG3 Offer Package
Are insoles used to make flat shoes comfortable all-day
Comfortable and safe shower chair
Comfortable and safe shower chair
Cooling patches that provide fast fever relief and indicate heat changing for adults and children
A Convenient and easy to use stick with seat
Electronic Body Scale
An ankle binder stabilizes the ankle and is commonly used after injuries, edema, and bruises to effectively relieves pain and facilitate movement
A specialized piece of clothing to provide support and compression to the face while capable of reducing swelling
Medical shoe Insoles that relieve the pain of the feet and reduce the feeling of fatigue and stress caused by wearing shoes
A device to monitor blood sugar effectively
Expressing milk with an electronic device provides natural feeding for babies
Easy-to-use Walker without wheels
Comfortable and easy to use wheeled Walker
Comfortable and easy to use wheeled Walker
Walking stick that helps you to walk and move easily and comfortably
Walking stick that helps you to walk and move easily and comfortably
Stick With 4 Legs that helps you to walk and move easily and comfortably
manually operated or power-driven device
manually operated or power-driven device
An easy-to-use wheelchair that helps the mobility and movement
A large and easy-to-use wheelchair that helps with the mobility and movement
A medium-sized and easy-to-use wheelchair that helps with mobility and movement
removes 99.9% of plaque from between teeth and gums 
9.940 KD
used to monitor the amount of oxygen carried in the body. 
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